(Headline joke stolen from, and information provided by, Allen)
Berghoff Restaurant shutting its doors
Owner Herman Berghoff, 70, and his wife, Jan, 68, want to retire, according to a restaurant spokesman. After the restaurant at 17 W. Adams St. closes on February 28, the space will be occupied by the couple’s daughter, who runs a local catering business called Artistic Events by Carlyn Berghoff Catering Inc.
Perhaps I'm just annoyed at another Chicago landmark closing its doors downtown and fear this is a continuation of the Marshall-Fields-to-Macy's transformation/slide from an interesting downtown to Schaumburg with taller buildings, so pardon me if this is too bitchy, but this quote from the press release reminds me of that joke where Tori Spelling talks about how she auditioned for 90210 under an assumed name --"Vicki Spelling":
"We’re proud that our daughter has achieved success outside of the family business.”
For all I know, Carlyn Berghoff may be a better caterer than Kate, Allie, and Edna Garrett combined -- but opening a company in the food services using the same family name as the famous restaurant is not exactly striking out there on your own.