I am currently on my way to an errand I do not want to do but definitely should. Normally I would take the luxurious shuttle bus to the less luxurious but usually comfortable Metra.to get home. But because of this errand, I am taking the El where I'm forced to stand at rush hour and usually do something stupid - like falliing into a man sitting down as I just did.
Of course, this embarrassment was worth it because not only did the man offer to move over once the guy he was sharing a seat with de-trained, but just now, the bitch who sneered at me when I ended up standing nearer to her after my near tumble and saying something under her breath was tripped "accidentally" by the cute guy who took her seat as she left. He did this slyly and tried to explain what he'd done to his companion, and while she didn't understand what he'd done, but his wink at me meant my smile had communicated that I appreciated and understood his actions on behalf of my honor. Who said chivalry was dead? Who said I could spell it?
So anyway, I'm on the El which I didn't want to be. But not only do I get to share the communal bond with cute strangers that can only happen here and inspire so many beautiful Missed Connection ads, and not only do I get to run-on write this post, but as I went to put money on my transit card, the machine to do so - which dispalyed "Cancelled" signifying a fellow frustrated commuter without the patience of yours truly - spit out two dollars at me.
So FREE RIDE!! All because I'm doing something I don't want to do but should.
There's your lesson about the universe for the day.