One of the few good things about being busy while I'm at my desk at work on the same day I stupidly forgot to charge my phone last night is that I'm completely out of the loop news-wise.
So for a few blissful hours I was unaware that the bailout bill failed and the stock market is crashing.
Good times.
That is, if your definition of "good times" means "well, at least maybe American literature might be inspired in a Grapes of Wrath kind of way.
Or you secretly wish that society goes all Mad Max and we start motorcycle-dueling for gasoline. (I'm looking at you, Mr. Sauers.)
Anyway, man, am I glad I took my money and spent it all on paying off my debt rather than sitting somewhere else not making money.
And speaking of money making opportunities:
Dear America,
I need some cash. You, despite all news reports to the contrary, have some money you want to invest.
If you invest in Mike McNamara, I'll send you a 8% return on your investment in a single year.
Sure, it won't make you rich, and back in the good old days of "just the other year or so", you would have considered it a low rate of return for your 401(k). But do you really trust the stock market these days? And sure, you could put it in a bank or a CD with alleged safety -- but why depend on a cold corporation to make you money when get a few extra bucks per month for doing nothing but making me happier. And can you even trust your banks these days? Why don't you buy a really important bond and invest in a stellar future -- mine!
So, America, send me your tired money, your poor dollar bills, your huddled masses of cash ready to help me. You won't be disappointed. Turn your $1000 into $1080 now! (Or at least by October 1, 2009.)
Mike McNamara
I started this letter as a joke, but seriously, if anyone wants to invest in me, I'm up for it. I've got good references, bad teeth, and parents who would kick my definitely-not-still-their-minor-child ass if they found out I ripped off -- or even casually misled -- strangers.
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