Allen wrote yesterday evening:
You know this right...right...oh my God oh my God
Lauren Graham Joins ‘Guys and Dolls’
(Sorry if you blogged about this long ago...)
Wow. Wow. Wow.
I did not blog about this -- nor had I heard about it. But I kid you not, as I laid in bed this morning, after asking Andy to bring me my phone so I could review my schedule to decide whether or not to go to work today -- because, again I kid you not, my yoga class yesterday not only kicked my ass and made me achey -- as working out for the first time in over half a decade will do -- but it also, I believe, released so many toxins that I think I nearly poisoned myself with self-toxins. (You have to think that a lot of them were built up...given, well, everything.)
Anyway, I read this email as was so inspired by how excited this made me (and I've never even seen "Guys and Dolls" in its entirety) that I decided to go to work today. Seriously.
(These two paragraphs were actually from my email response to Allen, which might make me a a bad blogger and a bad friend.)
Stephen comented about
yesterday's gabcast --which I had every intention of putting into text form yesterday but I was so tired and sore when I got home from work that I collapsed and fell asleep -- except for waking up and having a toxin-based freak out around 10:00:
Yoga?!? Why don't you just stand in a corner and I'll hit you with a stick. You'll feel the same afterwards. Oy...
Seriously, I think I would hurt less if you had beat me with a stick because (a) I know your beatings aren't that hard and are meant in the best possible way and (b) I could barely make it to the shower this morning. That said, it is the best kind of pain. Okay, maybe the second best kind of pain.
(This paragraph is full of personal information and sexual innuendo which may or may not be true and is perhaps better intended for a personal email which again makes me a questionable friend...though I do think it makes me a better blogger.)
Vidal Sasson (who originally designed the haircut for the Doctor's granddaughter Susan in the 1960s) and David Tennant (the Doctor with the best hair so far) wrote an imagnary letter saying:
So what's up with your awesome messy hair that you had yesterday? You mentioned it during the podcast and even though we're eighty years old and starring in Hamlet in London respectively, we've been waiting with baited breath, imaginarily.
Sorry. Here it is:
Though the picture isn't the greatest, you'll also note that the pictures hide my face because even though I felt awesome because PunkAndy had made me chocolate chip pankcakes to assist my first day of work for the new year, I also felt fat because I'd just eaten a plate of said pancakes, syrup, whipped cream, and butter. Also my face looked fat in the pictures. And I'm not fat. So posting those pictures would be not only be disrespectful of me, they'd be untruthful. And Logopolis strives for truth, damn it!
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