Eric Zorn on the vote against impeachment cast by his new State Representative, Deborah L. Mell -- our governor's sister-in-law
Congratulations! On your very first day in your very first official act as a member of the General Assembly, you cast a vote that was simultaneously arrogant, ignorant, blind, cowardly and corrupt.
The rest of the post ("Deb Mell hits for the sleaze cycle on her first day in Springfield") explains his argynebt argument quite extensively and is worth the read.
Personally, I can understand not wanting to vote for impeachment either, but if there was ever a time that called for a person to use the "present" vote (you remember the one that caused Obama so much trouble in the primaries and general election), this would be it.
It's shit stuff like this that makes me angry at the continued nepotism in politics and why I'm pretty much against it whether you're a Bush, a Mell, a Clinton or a Kennedy.