So I thought I'd Gabcasted a podcast on Inauguration Day explaining why I'd let the day go by without a post - that I, like Teddy Kennedy ended up being admitted to the hospital. However, that phone post didn't publish and today was the first day I've felt like using the hospital's wifi to check the Internet.
So while friends and readers can understand the extreme seriousness that it takes to create a non-plugged-in Mike, fret not. I'm on the mend. I've been suffering - and I mean suffering - from pneumonia - in both my lungs and since I waited so long to come to the hospital, I've had difficulty breathing so they have me hooked up with machines to help with that and monitor everything. With any luck, they will send me home tomorrow but I'm even more hopeful that they will move me to a less monitored floor so I can sleep without a electronic box sitting on my chest attached to wires and pads and other grossness. Bondage has never been less fun.
Anyway my lunch is here and my apettite has returned too. No Oscar nom chatter for me; check out Mel's commentary on her blog until them.