(What's IJMSSMO mean?)
Up until a few days ago, everybody kept saying Bobby Jindal was the Republican's answer to Barack Obama because "everybody" is typically made up of stupid people who think Barack Obama's success comes because
- he has dark skin and a hard to prounounce name
- yet can "sound white" and is Christian.
While the rest of thought better, I still wondered if Jindal wouldn't have some sort of appeal when he got more national exposure, because I never know how my fellow Americans are going to react.
But it turned out Bobby Jindal proved he's a fool a few of times this month:
- First by shooting his mouth off saying he wasn't going to accept federal funds when the rest of Louisiana would look like New Orleans three weeks after Katrina as soon as her turned off that tap
- By agreeing to do the thankless job of "opposition response to which would follow Obama's (not quite) State of the Union Address.
- Actually showing up to give the speech, delivering a foolish speech like a fool.
As Rachel Maddow said:
"um...eee...The... I'm... ah... buh... buh... buh... ba... buh... honestly the Republican respose to Barack Obama's first State of the Union was to invoke government failure during Katrina as a model for how to move forward as a country. I know I'm paid to talk to a living. I am incapable of doing what I'm paid to do right now. I'm absolutely stunned."
So, as we liberal smart asses are prone to do in between all of our pot smoking and recruiting others for the sodomy lifestyle, the "libruls" were enjoying the Schadenfreude of a Republican hot shot looking like a dumbass a little too much, so I decided to rain on the parade of those who were overjoyed that this guy and She-Who-Will-Not-Be-Named would be considered viable Republican presidential candidates and said
But, trust me when I say that I honestly pray that any combination of Palin/Jindal 2012 never comes to pass. A two party system perhaps isn't the healthiest democracy but when one of the major parties becomes an unimaginable joke... that's no good for anybody.