You don't get to love me or date me or even really know me that well without realizing that my wallet is just a manifestation of my mind -- cluttered full of things I find useful that others dismiss and items valuable to me if not high in actual cash value, and often on a good day, it's hard for it to even tell you who I am.
One of the things that has helped me with this problem is
I thought I was the last person in the world to discover this site a few years back or whenever I used it to print
the ratty collection of barcodes that resides in my wallet and captures
all my "preferred customer" barcodes. Apparently, I wasn't because some CVS cashiers still look at me with a "uh..what..duh?" whenever I hand them my self-laminated-with-scotch-tape cheat sheet.
Today I discovered the next generation in wallet maintenance My KeyRingThing. This one is fancier, lets you
save your barcodes for later, and order your own laminated card; of course, if I had the money to do that, I probably wouldn't be so jazzed about saving 25 cents at Dominick's. Still, though, it's neat and highly recommended, especially if you're tired of giving bouncers your PetSmart card when going to a bar or handing over your Borders Reward card when you try to buy cigarettes at a strange 7-11.
(Yes, I get carded sometimes when I buy cigarettes. No, really, I do.)
(And yes, I haven't actually had a cigarette in 9 days.)
(No, seriously... I don't think I look under 18, but I like to believe that in the places where they have signs up that say "if you look like you might be under 40, we're going card you", I can still pass.)
Anyway, click here to print/order your own. Tell them Logopolis sent you.
(No, this is not an ad. I just like to pretend like I'm Pat Summerall sometimes. Nor is it a new anti-smoking campaign.)
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