I caught the re-cap of his interview on Today before leaving for work, and even Andy's arch nemesis of the news world* Natalie Morales was laughing at him. Not to compare the public flailings of an A-list addict to a prolonged armed conflict that cost hundreds of thousands of lives, but I think Sheen should see this Morales moment like LBJ saw Walter Cronkrite on Vietnam. If you've lost the ass-kissing ability of one of the worse morning show hosts since Deborah Norville All About Eve'd Jane Pauley, Mr. Sheen, you have indeed, lost America.
However, some online thought it was better for Sheen that he passed a drug test. Why? This just means he's a big an asshole when he's sober as he is when he's high. How is this a win?
And this afternoon, we also learn that another rat is leaving the sinking S.S. Good Time Charlie
Charlie Sheen’s longtime publicist Stan Rosenfield released a statement today saying he’s no longer representing the actor. “I have worked with Charlie Sheen for a long time and care about him very much. However, at this time, I’m unable to work effectively as his publicist and have respectfully resigned.”
Rosenfield, who also represents high-profile actors like George Clooney, has been largely MIA over the last few days while Sheen did a series of shocking radio interviews that culminated with two TV appearances on Good Morning America and Today.
Can't imagine why Rosenfield would... oh wait, of course I do. One high-profile client is going in front of a every camera or microphone he can badmouthing everyone from his co-workers to his bosses to his fans and the other one just got a Newsweek cover story/hand job which praised him for using his fame for good for the people of Sudan, I can see why you’d drop the former.
As for the Oscars, despite my plea to my Facebook and Twitter followers for recommendations for which Best Picture nominees we should see before the movie, Andy and I did not make it to the theater this weekend. When I got home Friday night, Andy was in a mood to clean the apartment and unpack some remaining boxes." Coen Brothers and Natalie Portman and stuttering Firths be damned, I was not re-steering that particular urge.
So I was sad that I'd only seen a few of the alleged Best Pictures before the ceremony, but such things don't usually effect whether or not it was enjoyable. Conventional wisdom is that the show sucked, but I agree with Hugh Jackman (as I often do) that the show seemed to fly by. Anne "Woo Girl" Hathaway and James "Ph.Don't" Franco weren't the best hosts (somebody somewhere online made the wise observation that they took the worst part of the ceremony - awkward patter between having the two popular, talented, beautiful actors -- and stretched it out over all 3+ hours). but I can't go to "Worst Ceremony Ever" territory because:
WTF do you expect? The Oscars are the same thing every year -- an overlong, ego-stroking extravaganza where people look pretty and where for one day an industry focuse on artistic merit when they spend the other 364.25 worrying about the profits. Complain if you want, but you knew what you were getting into.
Dan Hopper at bestweekever.tv (yes that still exists) says the same thing in a better way, including this nuggest which tries, like the last couple minutes of The Social Network, make a statement -- this one about how Oscar hating is a commentary about our society:
The overwhelming universal hate of this year’s Oscars reminds me of the automatic annual complaints about “how bad the Super Bowl commercials were” every year, as though this year’s thirty-second corporate nutshots can’t possibly compare to the glorious yesteryear of frogs saying “Budweiser” and a Pepsi guy beating the sh*t out of a Coke guy (will we ever recapture such magic??) Yes, the Oscars this year were stupid. But we’re also old enough to realize how stupid this self-congratulatory jerkfest is, and we’re all on Twitter and able to express that hate in seconds, so is it any wonder that the end result is a general, snowballed hatred of what is in effect just another installment in a thing that’s always dumb?