So longtime Logopolis readers (are there any of you left now that this place has joined the rank of popular depressing 21st century statistics like "dogs bred for fighting, infrastructure spending, and unspayed cats"?) know I'm longtime friends of film makers Julie Keck and Jessica King aka kingisafink.
So I'm trying to think what would make me happier thank waking up and reading their that they'd been interviewed in a major media outlet. And I can't think of anything. (Except, as I informed them already that I wish the article would have had a dotted hedcut...because I haven't read the Wall Street Journal since, well, ever.*)
Check out their self-starring short DIY Physics below. Unlike their CineKink movie, it's SFW - unless you work for an animal shelter.
DIY Physics from King is a Fink on Vimeo.
* Related sidenote: There is apparently no online application to quickly make these from existing photos without things that require a "tutorial" -- I find this to be a failing of the "graphic design for the lazy" community that seems to have shot up in the last 5-10 years.